Monday, May 3, 2010

Introduction and Directions

Introduction: The Harlem Renaissance was an African-American artistic movement that occurred in the years between WWI and The Great Depression.  This social movement was spurred by a large-scale migration of African-Americans from rural areas in the South to cities in the North.  Your task is to carefully examine a series of websites pertaining to the Harlem Renaissance and explore the characteristics, qualities, and people that impacted the Harlem Renaissance. 

Directions: Webquest will teach you how to acquire information about the Harlem Renaissance from informative websites and apply this new knowledge in the creation of documentaries that demonstrate your learning on the subject.  Go first to the "Links and Scaffolding Questions" post and click on each link.  Then, individually answer the scaffolding questions for each website that is linked.  Scaffolds help construction workers reach higher levels of tall buildings and, in a similar way, scaffolding questions should help you reach higher levels of understanding of the topic being discussed.  Notice that there are four different categories of websites, Dance, Music, Literature, and Art of the Harlem Renaissance.  Take special care to answer the questions carefully because the answers to these questions will be the foundation to the documentary videos you will create in groups.  The "Documentary Video" post will explain that aspect of the webquest, this video will be the final part of the webquest and a culmination of everything that you have learned.

1 comment:

  1. Watch as students from I.S. 44 Manhattan learn a famous poem by Langston Hughes in sign language!!
